ADDRESS Marassi Golf Resort

Year: 2022 : Present

Owner: EMAAR Misr

Consultant: ALLIED

Scope of work: Mechanical Systems renovations and modifications including

Plumbing modifications to improve water characteristics.

HVAC modifications to reduce room mechanical systems noise levels and installing correct unit capacities for each room (Replacing 43 FCU and restoring the room to its original condition in 3 weeks)

Main sewage infrastructure network leaks detection and maintenance for pipes and manholes.

Main fire fighting network modifications

MANSOURA Presidential Palace

Year: 2021 : Present

Owner: General Intelligence Agency

Consultant: SITES

Main contractor: HASSAN ALLAM

Scope of work: Drainage network & Water features including;

Supply & install Subsurface drainage network

Supply & install drainage system for 11 public bathrooms, 3 private bathrooms & 2 kitchens.

Installing all piping and mechanical systems of 7 water features including 14 pump rooms.

Four Seasons Cairo Nile Plaza

Year: 2020 : Present

Owner: TMG Group

Scope of work: Drainage Systems

Completely Dismantling the old drainage system (Cast iron pipes)

Installing new drainage pipes to be Plastic based while mentioning the same characteristics of the metal based one (MEP Trust Recommended using AS HAMZA pipes then it was approved by the owner).

The restoration process is taking place while the hotel is completely in operation as MEP Trust provide very flexible working hour to match the hotel operations